
Sunday, October 27, 2013

USAF F-4 Wild Weasel Aircraft before the F-4G

As the air war in Vietnam heated up, and the Soviet Union started supplying the North Vietnamese armed forces with better air defenses, the US Air Force realized the need for what became known as Wild Weasel aircraft to help suppress the SAMs.  Their first attempt was the F-100F Wild Weasel I aircraft.  While the F-100F was successful in suppressing SAM activity, it had one glaring weakness - speed.  The F-105s that were carrying out the bombing campaign found themselves flying very slow so they didn't out-distance the F-100s that were providing them protection.

A newer airframe was needed, one that could keep pace with the fighter-bomber formations without affecting their performance.  The two airframes that were available at the time were the F-105 Thunderchief and the F-4 Phantom II.  So the US Air Force initiated parallel programs fitting the Wild Weasel electronic suites into both aircraft.  This decision was based on the fact that there were a finite number of F-105s available as production had been closed on that aircraft, but the F-4 was still in production and could make up for combat loses with new aircraft.  This decision was to prove to be a very wise one.

(E)F-4C Wild Weasel IV

The first flight of a Weasel EF-105F took place on 15 January 1966, with the first flight of a Weasel F-4C expected to take place six months later in July of the same year.  But the F-4C conversion was very protracted and was beset by one problem after another.  The first problem was simply one of space.  While the F-105 and F-4 were roughly the same size, the F-105 was a single-engine aircraft where the F-4 with its two engines needed more real estate for fuel lines, control lines, and electronics just to operate. In short, the Phantom was a jam-packed aircraft and simply could not handle the added electronics and wiring required to properly install Wild Weasel equipment without some major revisions.

The (E)F-4C Wild Weasel went through several versions during development.  The first - Wild Weasel IV-A was a pod mounted system in the starboard rear missile well.  All of the Sparrow launch equipment and wiring were removed and replaced with the necessary electronics and wiring for the Wild Weasel mission.  Itek/ATI APR-25 and -26 RHAW  equipment was installed and a IR-133 Panoramic Receiver was put in the pod.  Sounds nice, but it didn't work, there was high interference coming from someplace and it gave either erratic displays or no display at all.  For a year the engineers beat their collective head against the wall, trying to understanding how the same system that worked well in the F-100F and EF-105F resulted in nothing but problems on the F-4.  Finally, Mr. C.K. Bullock the brain-child of the Wild Weasel I system installed in the F-100F was brought in as a consultant and he spotted the problem right away. The F-100 and F-105 both used a low-capacitance coaxial cable to carry the video information to the RHAW scopes to match the low-capacitance wiring of the of the aircraft. The F-4, on the other hand, used high-capacitance wiring on its systems so they had used high-capacitance wiring to incorporate the Wild Weasel installation.  The equipment wasn't designed for that.

With this problem solved, McDonnell began flight tests of the Wild Weasel 4, but further problems with vibration in the pod caused erratic displays, again delaying the program. Meanwhile, EF-105F Weasels were already in combat and were achieving a lot of success. It became obvious to McDonnell Engineers that somehow the system would have to be mounted internally.

McDonnell engineers began working feverishly on Project Wild Weasel IV-C, the reengineering effort to make room in the F-4C for the Wild Weasel components. Finally, in June of 1968, almost two years after the scheduled deployment of at least four (E)F-4C Weasels, the installation of the electronics in their new internal spaces was begun!  The new installation worked as advertised and the first operational (E)F-4C Wild Weasel was delivered to the 67th TFS based at Kadena AB, ROK on October of 1969. 

By this time is seemed that the Vietnam War was winding down and the EF-105Fs seemed to have things well in hand, so the (E)F-4Cs were not needed. But, the 67th TFS (E)F-4Cs would get a crack at combat. Because of the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive in 1972, President Nixon ordered a full resumption of bombing military targets in North Vietnam. Many more aircraft were committed to LINEBACKER operations than before and the sole Wild Weasel EF-105F unit in SEA could not handle the increased mission load. In October of 1972, the 67th TFS was alerted for combat duty and was sent TDY to Korat, Thailand, just in time for the LINEBACKER II maximum effort in December. The (E)F-4Cs performed admirably while flying over 460 missions

(E)F-4C Wild Weasel IV-C of the 67th TFS
The Wild Weasel (E)F-4C could be distinguished from a standard fighter only by the additional antennas on the aircraft. Around the nose at forty-live degree positions, were the four diamond-shaped homing antennas for the ER-142. Under the nose is a short blade antenna for the APR-26, and the two small stub Omni antennas directly in front of the nose gear wheel well are for the ER-142. Above the wing/fuselage juncture the raised square patch with a six-inch black circle is the ER-142 direction finding antenna. The antennas for the APR-25are found inside the chin fairing under the radome, and in a fairing on the trailing edge of the vertical fin. The rear cockpit was extensively modified with the upper right corner of the rear instrument panel being taken up with RHAW scopes and Threat Display Panels.

Thirty-six (E)F-4Cs were eventually modified to Wild Weasel IV-C specifications, twelve were assigned to the 67th TFS, Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan; twelve to the 81st TFS, Spangdalem, West Germany; with the final twelve were assigned to the 35th TFW at George AFB, California - the new home of the Wild Weasels.

The (E)F-4C Wild Weasel was a very successful conversion once all the bugs were ironed out.  But not every weapon system is flawless.  The one glaring weakness with the (E)F-4C was the lack of the ability to use the AGM-78 Standard ARM missile.

(E)F-4C Wild Weasel IV-C of the 81st TFS


(E)F-4D Wild Weasel IV-B

There were two F-4Ds modified for the Wild Weasel mission under Project Wild Weasel IV-B. Both aircraft (65-657 and 65-660), were used to test the Bendix APS-107 Radar Homing and Warning (RHAW) system with an ER-142 panoramic receiver. Although the APS-107 gear was more sophisticated and accurate than the APR-25/-26 units and finally gave the (E)F-4 the ability to use the AGM-78 Standard ARM, it proved unreliable and erratic under combat conditions - at least for the Wild Weasel mission.

Several standard F-4Ds were used to test other programs relative to the Wild Weasel mission. One aircraft (65-0644) was used to test the AGM-78 Standard ARM missile, and several F-4Ds were used to perfect the AGM-65 Maverick missile.

(E)F-4D Wild Weasel V Test Platform

 At least two F-4Ds (66-7635 and 66-7647) were modified and equipped with the new McDonnell-Douglas designed APR-38 Warning and Attack System, the basis of the entire F-4G program. 

Originally, the F-4G program had originally been slated for installation in ninety F-4Ds, but the Air Force opted for the more modem F-4E.  This decision was made because the F-4E had much more internal volume available (especially once the gun was removed) and it was considered the cheaper option because the F-4E aircraft were much more up to date than the F-4Ds which would have to be brought up to the current state of the art. This was apparent in testing the (E)F-4D test aircraft which had to carry much of the electronics in a special canoe fairing which took the place of the port/forward missile launcher because of the lack of space.

The (E)F-4D Wild Weasel aircraft never progressed farther than a test platform for the Wild Weasel V electronics, so none entered active service in any USAF squadrons. 

(E)F-4D Wild Weasel Testbed


  1. Drawings (c) by Kim Simmelink
  2. Wild Weasel - The SAM Suppression Story, by Larry Davis

10/27/2013 - Original Post


  1. There never was an EF-4C designation in the Air was always an F-4C. In PACAF the first F-4C weasels were flown by the 36th TFS and 80th TFS at Yokota AB, Japan from 1969 to March 1971 when they were all transferred to the 80th which was then deactivated and moved to Kadena AB Okinawa and reformed as the 67th TFS.I led the flight from Yokota to Kadena in March 1971.

    1. I know this is an ongoing debate. Talking with others who worked on them, I would agree with you that I don't think the EF-4C was ever a designation that the Air Force used (officially), rather using the designation "F-4C Wild Weasel". While that does seem to go against the standard set in the 1962 United States Tri-Service aircraft designation system, it does seem to be the case. Yet, it seems that outside the Air Force, with the contractors working on the aircraft, it was a used designation. Reading several accounts by engineers with ATI who provided much of the RHAW gear and were heavily involved with the modifications of the F-105s and F-4s used in the Wild Weasel program, the designation seems to be used. There are also many websites, pictures, and books that also incorrectly use the designation. "McDonnell F-4 Phantom - Spirit in the Skies" calls it a unofficial designation, and that is exactly what I feel that it is as well. That is why I refer to it as the "(E)F-4C Wild Weasel". It ties to the fact that the designation EF-4C is out there in books, pictures, and websites, and this is the aircraft that they are referring to.
      Thanks for your input, I really appreciate the feedback, and am always willing to learn something in the process. My main goal is to get correct and accurate information out there on the F-4 series, and I can't do that by myself.
      As soon as I wrap up my work on the Navy EW equipment, I will be turning to the Air Force's EW equipment and will be redoing this page as well. I will try and make it much clearer that it was the F-4C Wild Weasel at that time.

    2. Did you serve with Capt. John OS Williams, my father?

  2. I was a crewchief on the F-4C Wild Weasel At Kadena AB 1978-1979. We never used the EF-4C, we just knew them as F-4C.

    1. Yes, while EF-4C is a functional designation, it was just known as the F-4C Wild Weasel (in Vietnam) or just as an F-4C later in their service life.

    2. My second base, George AFB, I worked on them in 1984. As a jet engine mechanic , i also flew back to George from Nellis afb in the back seat on a incentive flight' AWESOME. Also went TDY with the squadron to Javier AB, Germany on a training mission. Unfortunately, two crashed, tight formation on landing, pilots ejected, no loss of life, just aircraft.

    3. I also flew back from red flag to George in the back seat. And also a jet mech. And was on that TDY to Germany also. Would really like to know who unknown is above.

  3. Kadena Air Base is in Okinawa, Japan; not in the Republic of Korea!

    1. Of course you are correct. I must have been asleep when I wrote that. Thanks for the correction!

  4. The 'E' model was when they went smokeless, correct ?

  5. The E for the AF and the J for the Navy were the first standard "smokeless" applications although I believe there were a few mods which attempted to reduce the smoke prior to these.

  6. We also received F-4C Wild Weasels at Misawa AB, JA in 1969. They were divided between our squadrons, the 356th TFS and 67th TFS (I'm not sure if the 391st TFS also got some). Misawa converted to F-4Ds in late 1969 and the Weasels were relocated, probably to Yokota AB.

  7. Kim -- As one of the F-4C WW "Bears" who deployed to KORAT RTAFB from. SEPT 1972 to FEB 1973 and a member of the WW History book (not published), i can answer most questions on the F-4C WW, and development of the F-4G WW. I also am in contact with the "BEAR" who flew many of the Development Test & Evaluation DT&E) sorties for the two F-4D WW test aircraft.

    For the son of John O.S. WILLIAMS -- "JwilliamsStocktonDecember 11, 2014 at 6:23 PM
    Did you serve with Capt. John OS Williams, my father?"
    I SERVED WITH JOHN O.S. WILLIAMS for the 67th TFS/DET1 deployment to COMBAT in SEA in 1972-1973. You are welcome to contact me.
    PH/TXT: 443-545-4921

    1. Always interested in sny information I can get. I especially would like information or pictures of the EF-4Ds.

  8. My dad, Col (ret) John OS Williams is sitting with me right now as we saw your reply. He said he absolutely served with you, and hopes to see you if the wild weasel reunion gets rescheduled. Julie


I welcome any comments, corrections, and additions to this blog. If you have corrections or additions please give references so they can be properly cited.